Mimosa Mastermind Event Coverage

The Mimosa Mastermind crew has been a longtime client of ours, as well as close personal friends. Here is our lastest event coverage for their 2021 event in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Below are just some photo examples as well as their event recap video.

Capturing YOUR Event

Imagine, you’ve spent 6 months, maybe even a year planning your spectacular event! You’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into choosing the right venue, getting the right events planned and most importantly getting people to come! But as the old saying goes, pictures or it didn’t happen! That’s where we come in!

Mimosa Mastermind is an action-packed 4-day 3-night event in Cabo, Mexico. Our team flew out to make sure we captured the magic. During the event, we made sure to document all the excitement with both photos and videos to deliver an impactful recap video and photo gallery. We also know that the best marketing is word of mouth, that’s why we love to capture as many attendee testimonials as we can to help you build your next great event!


    Mimosa Mastermind

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